Wednesday 7th March, BEaT Centre

GDPR: Essential Information for SMEs

Join us in the BEaT Centre Balbriggan for a highly informative and timely presentation on GDPR. Coming into effect on 25th May, GDPR has a variety of impacts on SMEs and being informed and staying ahead is crucially important.

Trainer John Paul Stanziano is an NUI tutor with nearly 2 decades of experience in delivering Data Protection Training. He will outline the different roles of Data Controller and Data Processor, Data Subjects rights, Privacy Impact Assessment, Subject Access Requests, Privacy Statement, Policies and Data Protection by Design and Default.

This event is open to all but please note that places are strictly limited.

Event Schedule

  • 14.30hrs Registration and refreshments
  • 15.00hrs Seminar commences
  • 16.00hrs Comfort break
  • 16.15hrs Seminar recommences inc. Q&A
  • 17.00hrs Wrap up

Book your plave using the following link
